We are so excited to tell you about the many things happening in Zambia.
At the garden the irrigation equipment is being installed to connect to this tower which will hold the water that is then distributed with a solar generated pump to the gardens.

We have hired a consultant named Addu. The men and Meredith met Addu last year in a chance meeting (God-ordained) at a farm store. He is a successful farmer and agreed to help us maximize our garden efforts and production.
Plumbing issues at the schoolyard were addressed and solved quickly. The plumber hired agreed to stay for the day and train our groundskeeper in simple plumbing, all for $85. Again a God moment.
They were thrilled to see the library in full use. Teachers are loving the room and maintaining it well.

Construction began on the final set of classrooms necessary to give STF a full preschool to grade 12 campus! God wants this school.
The last building will house grades 10-12 and a chemistry lab with a goal to be up and running by the next school term beginning in January.

The medical room now has a cot and collapsible exam table. Having two nursing students serving the children’s basic needs of cold medicine, malaria meds, and much requested among the 9th graders, acne cream, has been a blessing. One nursing student also has a teaching certificate and will hopefully work for the school in both capacities.
The goats are doing well and wee ones are expected soon.
We have had a bit of a turnover in gardening staff, but feel that Meredith and Ron’s presence there, the assistance of Addu, and a written record of expectations will help keep the work progressing.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this vital ministry. We couldn’t do it without you. The schoolyard is an oasis of faith, love and education and there are often students standing at the gate looking in at what is happening at STF.
The fire is stirred!
Diane and Ron