Orphan Feeding Program
- 700 orphans fed 1 meal every day
- Farm on the property meets 50% of the feeding needs

Stir the Fire Academy
- 700 students attend school at two sites
- Reception (preschool) through 9th grade
- 11 teachers and 1 aide employed
- The school building was built in 2013
New classrooms are added each year as grades move up. Mission trips each year spend time upgrading the current facilities and building new ones.
The school is being noticed by the government, and the students are getting invited to area events like spelling bees, math bees, and debates.

- 7.5 acres of garden produce:
- Fruit trees
- Avacado
- Kasava
- White maize
- 2 employed gardeners

Adult Support
Financial support provided for:
- 13 widows
- 3 adult teachers on scholarships
- 4 college scholarships, for students studying forestry, nursing, and teaching

Church Planting
- 10 churches planted
- 14 pastors

Mission Trips
Stir the Fire USA leads trips annually to visit, support, and work at Stir the Fire International.
Interested in visiting Stir the Fire in Zambia? See what others are saying about their trips to Zambia. Contact us for more information.